Board Of Regents Votes To Keep University Tuition Stable For 2018-2019

Staff Reporter
Columbus State University and 25 other institutions under the University System of Georgia Board of Regents will not see a tuition increase in 2018-2019.
ATLANTA, GA: The Board of Regents for the University System of Georgia met near the end of April. During its monthly meeting in Atlanta the Board voted to keep tuition stable at the 26 state institutions that fall under the direction of the Board of Regents, including Columbus State University.

According to information released by the Board of Regents students at the 26 universities under the Boards direction will continue to pay the same tuition rates for the 2018-2019 school year as they are paying for the 2017-2018 academic year. Over the past five years the Board of Regents has been able to keep tuition rates low compared to neighboring states with only an increase that averaged around 1.8% over the five-year period.

The news for Georgia's public colleges and universities is good compared to the 16-peer states that make up the Southern Regional Educational Board. Georgia's four-year institutions are the sixth lowest in tuition and fees in the region. The board also continues to ensure fees charged by USG institutions are kept to a minimum. Nine of the institutions that fall within the 26 institutions will be allowed to make limited fee increases for the upcoming year. Those fees are estimated to range between $3 to $31 per semester for a full-time, in-state undergraduate student.

Fee's and Tuition for Georgia's public institutions can be found by clicking: Click Here For More Info