HAUNTED COLUMBUS SERIES: The Clown of Twin Chapel Creek
Twin Chapel Creek is a small waterway that runs in north Columbus just off of Whitesville Road. There is nothing unique about the creek and many pass over the creek without even noticing it. The creek is heavily shielded by woods and bushes. However, a local tale describes a haunting spirit that roams the small creek and has been seen by some.
Those who claim to have witnessed the haunting at Twin Chapel Creek have described seeing a clown sitting on the banks of the creek at night and the clown appears to be weeping. Some have also noted the presence of children laughing and playing and asking you to come to see their house.
In an odd coincidence Twin Chapel Creek is only a few miles south of another haunted location on Whitesville Road. Crybaby Bridge is located only a few miles north. The bridge is said to be haunted by the sound of a crying baby who was killed in the creek below.
While many in the area report not seeing much more than common creatures that live near the waterway on the creek bed some still believe the creek is haunted by a crying clown.
Twin Chapel Creek is a small creek located near Whitesville Road in Columbus.
Oddly this is not the only tale of a ghostly clown in Columbus. Another less popular ghost tale describes a clown that has been seen riding a bicycle on South Lumpkin Road near Oxbow Meadows on dark nights. The story says the clown just rides the roadway then vanishes.
There are no significant tales to say where these ghostly clowns come from or why they are in Columbus. The nearest correlation we can find to a clown tragedy in Columbus involves a 1915 circus train crash just east of the city of Columbus that claimed many lives of circus performers. That tragedy carries a ghost tale of its own that we will be examining later this month.
No one really knows the truth behind the Twin Chapel Creek clown sightings. However, it is starting to seem that maybe Whitesville Road is the center of paranormal occurrences in the area.
NOV 17, 2022 • Both stories are pure 100% BS